Top Saturday Night Live sketches
Saturday Night Live, popularly known as SNL, is American late-night live television sketch comedy and variety show. It is known for its hilarious parodies on current affairs and contemporary culture. This list, in no particular order, intends to document my favourite SNL sketches. The list will be updated on a periodic basis as and when a new video enters the list. Soccer Broadcast Idris Elba plays an injured soccer (football for the rest of the world) player who joins the broadcast team as a pundit, and plays an unthinking character who says the first thing on his mind. The sketch is funny as Elba plays the role of a stereotyped football player who is not particularly intelligent nor eloquent. Link: E-Sports Reporter Chance the Rapper plays a reporter who normally covers basketball games, but has been asked to fill in for the regular reporter of e-sports events who is taking his SATs. Chance perfectly plays the character who is con...